Tuesday 22 January 2013


Sometimes I wonder where I would have been if I was in the time of Jesus, would I have been among His followers or would I have been among those who crucified Him? I would like to think I would have been His follower because of all the knowledge I have now, but come to think of it, if a carpenter's son who grew up in your area comes to change all the doctrines (about sabbath, eye for an eye, stoning of certain offenders, associating with Jews et.c) which was passed on from generations by great leaders, prophets and men of old, would you follow Him?
God revealed Himself as 'I Am That I Am' to Moses because of the circumstance Moses was in at the moment, He needed to prove to the Israelites and the Egyptians that God had really sent Him. In like manner, God might have revealed part of Himself to someone because of a particular thing in that person's life, God also wants to reveal Himself to you in a way that would help your circumstance, that's why you need to have a personal relationship with Him. Relying on other people's revelation of God might even lead you astray.
The problem is that most of us want to see God through the eyes of our pastors and leaders, instead of us finding out who He is to us. If the people of old had opened their hearts to discover who God is, they would have seen God in the flesh as Jesus Christ and their lives would have been changed forever.
Even today God wants to reveal Himself to you, it's not enough to rely solely on the word preached by the pastor or the prayers prayed in church, we should long to know God through personal study of the word and prayers.
Who is God to you?
No matter how close you are to me, if I take a cup of tea you would never know exactly how it taste till you drink of it.
Therefore, taste and see that the Lord is good.

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